How to report using Grid Widgets
These are options that allow you to control how the grids you build get handled in the exports.
- Metrics – This allows you to control what metrics or fields the widget uses to sort the data rows
- Dimensions (Group By) – Allows you to control whether the values get sorted from A-Z, Z-A, smallest to largest, or largest to smallest
- Number of records to display – Allows you to control how many rows will show in the export. Note you can set this to be different than what displays in the dashboard itself
How to Flip Rows and Columns in Grid Widgets
1] Hover your mouse over the upper right of the grid widget and the More Options icon (i.e. three dots) appears. Click it.
2] On the menu that appears, click Edit.
3] Go to the Styles tab on the Edit Widget pane.
4] Select the Flip rows to columns checkbox. You will notice that the rows get flipped to columns.
Troubleshooting Grid Widgets
With Flip rows to columns enabled, the first metric is displayed as columns. The number of records to display will control the number of columns (instead of the number of rows) to display at the dashboard level.