What is a Gauge Widget?
A Gauge Widget displays your data in a half-circle arc that resembles an instrument in a car or aircraft. It shows a lower limit and upper limit, and how far you have progressed from the lower limit toward the upper limit.
A common case for using a gauge widget is to address the question of "how much of our budget did we spend?" A gauge widget can display the monthly consumption compared to expectations in this case.
Also, note that you can create custom calculations that can establish a benchmark for you to set metrics against
Recommended uses
Email sources
- Open Rate vs. Open Rate Goal (e.g. 25% a good goal)
Google Analytics
- Goal Conversions to Goal (= Leads or Site Purchases)
Advertising Data Sources
- Actual CTR vs. CTR Goal (e.g. 3% a good goal)
- Budget vs. Spend