Before you begin: This guide shows you how to conduct competitive research on a single PPC keyword or phrase.
How to Enter the Keyword or Phrase
1] Login to TapClicks, and on the Raven menu, click PPC Research.
3] The PPC Research page appears. Enter the keyword/phrase into the search box.
4] From the dropdown menu, select your country.
5] Click Search.
6] The summary page appears, displaying the keyword in the upper left corner.
How to Interpret Top PPC Competitors Data
Interpreting top PPC competitors' data means identifying those entities that are doing paid advertising for that keyword. It includes days seen, approximate monthly budget, and keyword count.
7] The list of top PPC competitors, organized by search engine, is displayed in descending rank order.
8] Top PPC Competitors can also be seen in the graph to the right. Hover over the graph to view the approximate monthly budget for that competitor.
9] Click on any advertiser in the Advertiser list to be taken to that advertiser's page.
10] To view this same data for other advertiser networks, click Bing/Yahoo! at the top of the list.
11] Click the View More button below the graph to see more advertisers.
12] To export the list of advertisers, on the PPC Competitors tab, click the Export button. The data will be exported in .XLSX format.
How to Interpret Top Ads in Google Data
Interpreting top ads in Google involves reviewing the ad title, body copy, and additional details such as other keywords, average rank, days seen, and first/last seen dates.
13] On the PPC Summary page, scroll down to the Top Ads in the Google section.
14] For any ad, click on the Destination URL to be taken to the landing page for that ad.
15] For any ad, click on the number in the Other Keywords column to see the other keywords used for that ad.
16] To see more Google ads, click the View More button at the bottom of the list of ads.
17] To export the list of ads, navigate to the Ads tab and click the Export button. The data will be exported in .XLSX format.
How to Interpret Related Keywords Data
Interpreting related keywords involves identifying keywords closely aligned with the selected keyword. Metrics include relevancy score, search volume, and cost-per-click (CPC) estimates.
18] On the PPC Summary page, scroll down to the Related Keywords section. The list of related keywords appears ranked by relevancy score. The Relevancy score measures how closely each keyword aligns with your selected search terms and its potential to drive targeted traffic.
19] Click on any keyword to be taken to that keyword's page.
20] Click the View More button below the table to view more keywords.
21] To export the list of keywords, navigate to the Related Keywords tab and click the Export button. The data will be exported in .XLSX format.