Before you begin: This user guide details the steps for setting up a Smart Connector using the Google Sheets delivery type, which is a type of basic connection.
Data Source and View Settings
1] On the left side menu click Data.
2] Click Smart Connectors. You're taken to the Smart Connectors list.
3] In the upper right, click the "+" to add a Smart Connector.
4] On the New Smart Connector page, enter a name for your Smart Connector in the Name textbox. This is effectively the name of the data source, so make it memorable and relevant to the data you are adding.
5] Enter a drilldown name for the Smart Connector in the Drilldown / view name textbox.
NOTE: The drilldown / view name will be the name of the data view you are creating. A data view is the same thing as a table in a database. You can read more about data views here:What is a Data View? |
6] Slide the Is active? control to the right to ensure the Smart Connector is turned on after you save it. You can change this later if needed.
Manage Connection
7] Click the Authenticate button.
8] To sign in to TapClicks, enter your email/phone and click Next.
9] Enter your password and click Next.
10] When TapClicks asks to access your account, click Allow.
Additional Features
11] Choose the following optional features by sliding the control to the right.
- Map this SC to a single client?
- Data does not contain Dates?
- Use Email Service?
- Use pre-process function?
- Use Geo Data? (By request only and may not be available for all accounts.)
Google Sheets Setting
12] In the Google Sheets Setting section, leave the Load Options on Load New Spreadsheet and click Load File.
13] In the Select a file popup window, either scroll or search for the Google Sheet you want to load and click it to highlight it.
14] Click Select. The Google Spreadsheet ID and Google Spreadsheet name fields auto populate.
15] Choose a sheet from the Select your Sheet dropdown menu.
NOTE: Choose “All Tabs” if you’d like to bring in data from all tabs in your Sheet. Choose “Tabs Matching a Specific Pattern” if you’d like to bring in data any tab that contains a certain string in the tab name. |
16] If you want to use the tab name as a mapping field, select Yes from the dropdown menu.
Data Fields
17] Click the Load Sample Data button.
NOTE: After you load sample data, you will need to tell TapClicks how to interpret each field of the file. This is referred to as mapping. As part of mapping, you will need to tell TapClicks what type of data is being displayed (e.g., text, numeric) as well as how to identify uniqueness. For more details about mapping data, refer to this article: How to Map Data Fields in a Smart Connector. For more details or help understanding the concept of uniqueness, please refer to this article: Understanding Unique Fields. |
18] The parsed data appears in the Data Fields section.
19] TapClicks does its best to guess at the field type for each field. In the event that it's wrong, you can change the field type using the Field type dropdown menu.
20] Check the Is metric? checkbox when the field should be used as a performance metric.
21] Check the Include in charts? checkbox if the performance metric specified above is to be used in the row breakdown chart and part of the Report Generator chart.
22] For fields that have field type = number, you will be given a choice of which operation to apply to the numbers in that field. Choose the applicable operation from the Operation? dropdown menu. The operation must be set for all metric-based field types (i.e., number, decimal, percent, currency).
23] To remove an unwanted field, click the trash can icon on the far right.
24] If your data has footer rows you want TapClicks to ignore, enter the number of footer rows to skip in the # Footer rows to skip textbox.
25] Enter your email in the Email textbox to receive confirmation and service alert emails.
26] Slide the Email Errors and Warning Only slider to the on position to only receive those types of alerts.
Smart Connector Sublevels
You may have the option to setup sublevels in your Smart Connector. To learn more about sublevels,see this article here.
Advanced Fetch Settings
27] To optionally add a delay to your fetching, enter the number of minutes ( 720 max) to delay each fetch in the Fetch Delay textbox.
28] At the bottom of the page, click the Save Changes button.