Clients, Orders, Line Items and Flights
Orders consist of Line Items and Flights. Orders are booked for clients.
Client: the advertiser.
Order: a purchase or pre-purchase from an advertiser for a campaign.
Line Item: parts of an Order that are unique deliverables. These are the specific products and services you offer. For example; Display, Email and Social are different products that could be booked as line items.
Flight: a way of breaking up a Line Item based on time or milestones.
The graphic below depicts the relationship between Orders, Clients, Line Items and Flights.
When a client (advertiser) places an Order, you'll enter the Order for that Client into TapClicks. That Order will then be broken up into Line Items, and each of those Line Items can be broken up into one or more Flights (if desired).
To learn how to create a New Order, see How to Create a New Order.