What are client reporting statuses?
The Client Status impacts the data that is brought into TapClicks and is used as a part of the billing structure for the platform. Client Status can be viewed by navigating to Admin > Clients.
Why do reporting statuses matter?
Because TapClicks bills based on the number of active accounts in your instance, you will want to manage your clients appropriately. Should you have a client go inactive, then you want to remove it from your list so as to not incur payment liability for this in your TapClicks billing.
What are the Reporting Status types?
The four statuses are:
- Pending assignment
- Active
- Hold
- Terminated
All Active
- This is not a status option but rather a view that will allow you to see all clients who are both Pending Assigning and Active
Pending Assignment
- This is for new clients who never have had any assigning.
- Facts and Functions:
- Clients in this status will not be billable clients
- Once a client is moved from Pending assigning it cannot be put back
- Clients in Pending Status will show up in the existing client's drop-down menu when you are assigning for a given Data Source
- Clients in Pending assigning will appear in the menu for viewing as a client but will show a screen stating that there are no connections
- Once a client who is in Pending assigning status is assigned to an assigning (campaign) the system will automatically change the status to Active
- This is for any and all clients that you are actively reporting and pulling data for within TapClicks
- Facts and Functions:
- All clients in this status are billable!
- You will be able to map new campaigns to these clients, pull reports, schedule reports and have users associated with them.
- Client will not be able to login
- You will not be able to view any data associated with this client
- All client data will be excluded from reporting
- Report Scheduler that include On Hold clients will be skipped (i.e. not sent)
- The configuration (assignments, report scheduler and so on) will be preserved, and data will keep being fetched.
- The pricing for On Hold client will be billed at a reduced rate
- This is the new “delete” for your clients
- Facts and Functions:
- All Terminated Clients get their Report Scheduler and margin rules deleted as well as their assigning unassigned automatically
- Their data will no longer appear in the various sections of the dashboard. i.e. Data Sources overview, drill-downs, widgets, reports and in the campaigns tab
- Can be made Active again if needed
- If a client is moved from Terminated back to Active status, any previously fetched data will still show within the platform and the client will become billable again, but until the client is mapped back to their Data Sources no new data will be retrieved.
- If a user does not know a client is terminated and attempts to recreate the client with the same naming convention an error will occur stating that a company with that name already exists