Before you begin: The ability to configure and access the TapClicks platform depends on permissions. User permissions depend on user roles. There are four different user roles.
The Four TapClicks User Roles
- Super Admin
- Have full access to the entire TapClicks instance. They can manage all user/client data and business unit/client groups.
- Have access to the Connect Data Sources screen and all the administration functions.
- Are authorized to create all other users.
- Client
- Have access to their data only.
- Can log into the dashboard and generate reports themselves.
- A single Client can be connected to multiple profiles for different data sources. This is the combined record that connects all the sources into a single view.
- Business Unit Admin
- Have full access to all user/client data and business unit/client groups within their business unit.
- Can create new Clients, Agents, Business Unit Admins, client groups, custom dashboards, and data profiles for their business unit.
- Agent
- Have access to the client group that they have been assigned to.
- Have access to the dashboard and report generation, but do not have access to Connect Data Sources or administration capabilities.
- Can be assigned various roles that expand or limit their permissions in the platform.
For small or medium-sized companies, you probably only need Super Admin and Client user types. In such cases, all Clients are managed centrally by your companyy. If you require separate branding for your business unit reports or want to summarize several Clients in groups, consider configuring Business Units and Client Groups. Once you have those, you can add the Business Unit Admin and Agent user types.
Note: All TapClicks users are identified by e-mail address and can be invited to the platform by sending a welcome email. Users can also be imported with a default password during the implementation.
How to Create a New User
1] On the left side menu, under Administration, click Users.
2] The Users screen appears.
3] Click the "+" in the upper right.
4] The New User screen appears.
General Settings
5] Enter the user's first name and last name in the respective text boxes.
6] Optionally enter a company name in the Company Name text box.
7] Optionally choose a timezone from the Timezone dropdown menu.
8] Leave Status on Active.
9] Choose the user type from the User Type dropdown menu.
NOTE: If you don't see Business Unit Admin as a User Type, it's because no Business Units have been created yet. |
NOTE: The Role dropdown menu is prepopulated with the predefined role based on your choice in step 9. |
10] Optionally choose a business unit from the Business Unit dropdown menu. If you're creating a Super Admin or Business Unit Admin, go to step 13. Otherwise, continue.
Creating an Agent
11] From the Client Group dropdown menu, choose a client group then go to step 13.
Creating a Client
12] From the client dropdown menu, choose a client.
Data Settings
13] Choose a data profile from the Data Profile dropdown menu,
14] Choose Yes or No from the Access Data Source Overview Dashboard? dropdown menu.
15] Choose a default home page from the Default Home Page dropdown menu.
16] Choose Yes or No from the Access Channel Overview Dashboard? dropdown menu.
17] If you want a custom dashboard list, slide the Custom Dashboard List? slider to the right and choose the dashboard from the Custom Dashboard List dropdown menu.
Access Details
18] Enter the user's email address in the Email address textbox. The user's email is how users are identified in TapClicks.
19] Enter a password for the user.
20] Check the Send a welcome email checkbox to send a welcome email to the user.
21] To enable the user to access the new UI, leave the Can access New Experience slider in the on position (recommended).
Additional Information
22] Optionally enter contact information and any additional information about the user in the the text boxes provided.
NOTE: External User ID is a user-specific ID your organization has assigned to the user. |
IO Tool Module
23] To enable the IO tool module, slide the Enable IO Tool Module slider to the right. Otherwise, go to step 28.
24] Choose the role for the IO tool module.
25] Choose a queue from the IO Tools Queues dropdown menu.
26] Choose Never or Real-time from the Notification Frequency dropdown menu.
27] Select the Yes or No Send Notifications for my actions radio buttons.
28] Click Save.
How to Edit User Information
Editing user information in TapClicks means first locating the specific user in the user list and then making changes to any of the general settings, data settings, access details, or additional information.
29] On the left side menu, under Administration, click Users. The Users list appears.
30] Either scroll through the list or enter the user's name (first or last) in the search box just below the word "Users".
31] When you locate the user, on the far right click the edit (i.e., pencil) icon.
32] The Edit User screen appears. It is similar to the New User screen in step 4.
33] Make the desired changes in the Edit User screen.
34] Click Save at the bottom of the page.
How to Inactivate a User
You cannot delete a user in TapClicks, but you can inactivate them. This gives you the option to re-activate them if needed. Users must have the proper permissions to be able to inactivate another user.
35] On the left side menu, under Administration, click Users.
36] Either scroll through the list or enter the user's name (first or last) in the search box just below the word "Users".
37] When you locate the user, on the far right click the inactivate (i.e., red) icon.
38] When the inactivate popup appears, click Yes.