Before you begin: Data Profiles are a type of permission layer that allow you to group users based on access to data. For example, when you share a dashboard with a client, you may want to restrict their ability to see the underlying data associated with a graph. Other clients may have a need to see this data. You can do this on a case-by-case basis, or you can group these clients using data profiles based on the access you would like them to have. In this example, some clients may be able to see underlying data. You can create a data profile with that permission and simply assign the relevant clients accordingly. You will be asked if you want to apply data profiles during the setup process when creating dashboards, data sources and reports. This article describes how to create these permission structures.
How to Create a Data Profile
1] Login to TapClicks and on the Admin menu click Data Profiles.
2] The Data Profiles page appears.
3] To add a new data profile, in the upper right, click the Add New Data Profile button.
4] The New Data Profiles page appears.
NOTE: You will see four tabs on the New Data Profiles page: Settings, Access, Data Sources and Channels. The Settings tab is active by default. |
Settings Tab
5] Enter a name for your Data Profile in the Data Profile name textbox.
6] Optionally select a business unit from the Business Unit dropdown. If you do not use Business Units or do not wish to assign one at this time, leave it blank.
7] From the Enable new data sources/channels by default? dropdown, indicate whether new Data Sources will be enabled by default. If you enable new Data Sources by default, then when you add new Data Sources, they will automatically be visible to the existing users of this Data Profile.
8] Check the box if you want to split Google Ads Search Network from Google Ads Display Network. Unless you need to add margin or markup to one product versus another, we recommend you do not check the box.
9] Select the Default Home Page from the dropdown. This will be the page your user lands on when they log into TapClicks.
The default setting is to have users land on the Data Sources Overview page. We recommend that you change this to a Dashboard relevant to the expected users. Dashboards often have more compelling views of the data than the overview page. For internal users, you may want to have them land on the Connections Status page, where information about all your Data Sources is summarized. |
10] Select Yes from the dropdown if you want to Enable Data Sources Overview. We typically suggest leaving these enabled for internal users and disabled for your customers. You have full customization in the Dashboard, so it's better to direct your customers to a dashboard.
11] Select Yes from the dropdown if you want to Enable Channel Overview. Channels allow you to group Data Sources together and define which metrics are shown to your customers. Similar to Data Source Overview, this might be better left enabled for your internal users and disabled for your customers.
Access Tab
12] Click the Dashboards tab.
13] Click in the Dashboards textbox.
14] A list of available dashboards appear.
15] Select the dashboard you wish to associate to this data profile.
Data Sources tab
NOTE: This step is not necessary and you may skip it if you choose. |
16] Click the Data Sources tab.
17] The Data Sources tab appears.
18] From the left column, click the Data Source you want to configure.
NOTE: Your active Data Sources are indicated by a green dot. |
19] From the Include in reports dropdown select Yes if you want to include this data source in your Quick Reports. The Quick Reports are connected to the Data Source Overview and will display whatever metrics you select from this list.
NOTE: Each data source on the Data Source tab has four sub tabs: Dashboard Metrics, Top Metrics, Main Columns and Detailed Grids. The Data Metrics tab is selected by default. |
20] In the Dashboard Metrics sub tab, select all the metrics that you want to appear in your Data Source Overview.
21] Click the Top Metrics sub tab.
22] In the Top Metrics sub tab, select all the metrics that you want to appear at the top of the campaign level view in your dashboard. You can view these by clicking on the data source icon within the Data Source Overview. It will allow you to drill into campaigns, geo fences and so on.
23] Click on Main Columns sub tab. The main columns are the metrics that appear in your dashboard grid and reports.
24] From the Sort Data Grids By dropdown, choose how to sort your data girds.
25] From the Order Data Grids By dropdown, choose how to order your data grids.
26] Optionally enter the first data grid result by entering it into the Limit Data Grids To.. textbox.
27] Use the drag handles to drag any active columns you wish to make inactive from the Active Columns list to the Inactive Columns list.
28] Use the drag handles to drag any inactive columns you wish to make active from the Inactive Columns list to the Active Columns list.
29] Use the drag handles to change the order of the columns in the Active Columns list.
30] Click the Detail Grids sub tab. The Detail Grids tab is divided into multiple parts based on the levels of data TapClicks receive from the source platform.
31] From the Include in reports dropdown, choose Yes if you want to include this data in the reports.
32] From the Sort Data Grids By dropdown, choose how to sort your data girds.
33] From the Order Data Grids By dropdown, choose how to order your data grids.
34] Optionally enter the first data grid result by entering it into the Limit Data Grids To.. textbox.
35] Use the drag handles to drag any active columns you wish to make inactive from the Active Columns list to the Inactive Columns list.
36] Use the drag handles to drag any inactive columns you wish to make active from the Inactive Columns list to the Active Columns list.
37] Use the drag handles to change the order of the columns in the Active Columns list.
38] Repeat steps 18 -37 for all of the data sources you want to configure.
Channels tab
39] Click the Channels tab.
40] The Channels tab appears. The available channels are displayed on the left-side menu.
41] From the Include in channel overview/reports dropdown select Yes if you want to include this channel in your reports and overviews.
NOTE: Each channel on the Channels tab has three sub tabs: Dashboard Metrics, Top Metrics and Main Columns. The Data Metrics tab is selected by default. |
42] On the Dashboard Metrics sub tab, select all the metrics that you want to appear in your Data Source Overview.
43] On the Top Metrics sub tab, select all the metrics that you want to appear at the top of the campaign level view in your dashboard.
44] On the Main Columns sub tab, repeat steps 24 - 29.
45] Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page to configure your data profile. You will now be able to see these selected metrics in the Data Source Overview and Quick Reports.