Before you begin:
An advertising campaign consists of one or more advertisements that target a specific business goal. Each advertisement may use different channels, creative assets, and content, but they all support the same objective.
When you create a campaign in TapClicks, you can manage it in the Campaigns tab. There are two common management actions you can take with campaigns: download a list of campaigns that exist in your dashboard and delete campaigns in the same tab.
Please note that if you delete a campaign, it will delete all data associated with that campaign. You will not have historical data beyond the initial fetch.
How to Download a List of Campaigns
1] Click Data in the left pane.
2] Click Campaigns.
3] Select a data source from the dropdown menu and click Show Campaigns...
4] The list of existing campaigns appears.
5] Click the Download Campaigns icon.
6] The CSV file is downloaded.
How to Delete a Campaign
7] Click Data in the left pane.
8] Click Campaigns.
9] Select a data source from the dropdown menu and click Show Campaigns.
10] The list of existing campaigns appears.
11] To delete a campaign, click the delete (i.e., trash can) icon to the right of the campaign.
12] When the confirmation popup appears, click Ok.