Before you begin: This user guide shows you how to interpret the new Data Load Status dashboard. The Data Load Status dashboard enables more granular monitoring of daily fetches for every connection of every data source. Only users with the Super Admin role have access to this dashboard. The dashboard is comprised of five tabs:
You get to the Data Load Status dashboard by clicking Data Load Status on the Data menu.
Needs Attention Tab
The Needs Attention tab is a summary of issues from the other tabs, which may need your attention.
Connections with credential or Smart Connector configuration errors
The top section of the Needs Attention tab contains the connection problems due to credential errors and Smart Connector configuration errors, listed by data source. The columns are as follows:
Data Source: this is the white-labeled name of the data source (controlled in “Preferences”).
Connection: this is the connection for the data source that is attempting to pull data.
Lookback Period: this indicates how much data we try to fetch for new assignments (initial load) and for existing assignments (periodic load).
Last Successful Fetch: the last time a fetch was successful for this Data Source.
Last Fetch Attempt: the last time a fetch was attempted for this Data Source.
Status: details about the credential failure for this connection. To see the status of any error, hover your mouse over the status icon in the far right column.
- Actions (⋮): here you can choose to manage the connection, its assignments, or pause data flow for the connection.
You can sort the list on any column by clicking the column header. You can search for a specific data source using the search box at the top.
If you would like to Pause Data flow for any connection that appears in this table, click the actions button. For more information on this, please refer to How to Pause Data Flow.
Connections with issues to be investigated by TapClicks
The next section down contains non-credential connection errors. These errors can only be fixed by TapClicks. Please contact customer support to get these resolved. You can sort and search this list as above.
Assignments with credential errors
The next section contains the assignment problems due to credential errors, listed by data source. The columns are as follows:
Data Source: this is the white-labeled name of the data source (controlled in “Preferences”).
Assignment: this is the assignment from the data source that had an error.
Client: this is the TapClicks client record that the assignment above is tied to.
Item ID: this is the underlying identifier for the assignment.
- Last Successful Fetch: the last time a fetch was successful for this Data Source.
- Details: this cell will indicate more details about the issue (highlighted in image below).
Status: details about the assignment failure for this connection.
- Actions (⋮): here you can choose to unassign or pause data flow for the assignment. For more information on pausing assignments, please refer to How to Pause Data Flow.
You can sort and search this list as above.
Assignments with issues to be investigated by TapClicks
The last section contains non-credential assignment errors. These errors require additional investigation and may need to be resolved by TapClicks or by our data source partners. The same filtering and searching functionality applies to this table as previous tables.
To find out more information about these issues, refer to the "Details" column. Here, you will see if TapClicks is investigating the issue, a reference ID when applicable, and details about the root of the issue once it's been identified. This area will also show if TapClicks needed to reach out to the Partner to resolve the issue. This field will display when the internal card is resolved, and on the next daily data fetch, this issue will no longer appear here. The "Details" column is updated in real time. However, if you want an update from the team about the status of an assignment error, feel free to reach out to and include the ID from the table if you can, as this will help expedite our response to you.
Daily Data Load Status Tab
Click the Daily Data Load Status tab at the top to navigate there.
Today's Data Load
The columns are as follows:
Data Source: this is the white-labeled name of the data source (controlled in “Preferences”).
Status: the status of the fetch for the given Data Source (highlighted in the image below).
Start Time: the time that the fetch for this Data Source started; if empty, then this fetch has not started.
Completion Time: the time that the fetch for this Data Source completed; if empty, then this fetch is in progress.
Duration: the duration of the fetch in hh:mm:ss.
You can sort and search this list as above.
Recent Daily Loads
The next section down is a summary list of the status of the most recent daily loads. The columns are as follows:
Daily Fetch Date: the date that the daily fetch record is associated with.
Start Time: the time that the fetch for this Data Source started.
Completion Time: the time that the fetch for this Data Source completed; if empty, then this fetch is queued.
Duration: the duration of the fetch in hh:mm:ss.
Completed: if the given fetch has completed (green = yes, red = no)
You can sort and search this list as above.
Daily Loads (Last 14 days)
The bottom section has a bar graph display of how long each daily fetch took to complete. Hover over the bar graph to see each day's duration.
Connection Status Tab
Click the Connection Status tab at the top to navigate there. The columns are the same as the top section of the Needs Attention tab. Here you can also view all of your active and paused connections by using the filters at the top of the page. For more information, please refer to How to Pause Data Flow for Connections.
Assignment Status Tab
Click the Assignment Status tab at the top to navigate there. This tab shows the statuses of individual assignments that are connected to your clients. Even if the Data Source successfully fetches data, there is a possibility that some data sets could not be obtained for certain assignments.
Assignment Status bar graph
Hover over the bar graph to see each assignment's status.
The statuses are as follows:
Success: the number of assignments for this Data Source that were successful.
Credential Errors: the number of assignments for this Data Source that failed due to a credential issue.
Other Errors: the number of assignments for this Data Source that failed due to an issue that TapClicks needs to investigate.
Pending: the number of assignments for this Data Source that still have yet to fetch data for the current daily fetch.
Assignment Status table
Scroll down to see the Assignment Status table. The columns are as follows:
Data Source: this is the white-labeled name of the data source (controlled in “Preferences”).
Assignment: this is the assignment from the data source.
Client: this is the TapClicks client record that the assignment above is tied to.
Item ID: this is the underlying identifier for the assignment.
- Last Successful Fetch: the last time a fetch was successful for this Data Source.
- Details: this indicates how much data we try to fetch for new assignments (initial load) and for existing assignments (periodic load). These should be up to date, but if your client is seeing N/A for a field, please submit a bug ticket and we’ll execute the update as a bug flavored enhancement.
Status: details (hover mouse over to view) about the assignment failure for this connection
- Actions (⋮): here you can choose to unassign or pause data flow for the assignment. For more information on pausing assignments, please refer to How to Pause Data Flow.
You can sort and search this list as above.
Notifications Tab
1] Click the Notifications tab at the top to navigate to the Notification Rules landing page. You will land on the Notifications Rules list.
NOTE: By default, there will be a global rule with data sources set to All and connections set to All with a daily max set to 2. A Super Admin can either edit or delete the global rule based on their preferences. |
2] Click the button to add a new custom notification rule.
3] Enter a name for the rule in the Notification Rule Name textbox.
4] Choose your customization. You can create the custom rule based on data sources to be included or excluded and/or you can create the rule based on connections to be included or excluded.
5] Enter any email(s) that should receive the notifications for that rule. The email is not required to be a user on the instance. Any Super Admin can enter a comma separated list of emails.
NOTE: It is considered best practice to not replace anything in this distribution list, unless the user should no longer receive notifications and/or you need to add additional emails so your colleagues don't miss any data. |
6] Set the maximum number of emails per day to be notified of issues based on the above criteria.
7] Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Connection notification rules
This is the list of all notification rules set by your Super Admin. You have the option to edit (pencil icon), copy (plus icon), or delete (trash can icon) a custom notification rule. All icons can be seen on the far right.
Edit: make any changes to the custom rule.
Copy: copies the custom rule to allow you to edit and make changes to the data source or connection selections, who the email recipients are for the notifications, and daily max rule.
Delete: allows you to delete the custom rule. If you delete the rule, any colleagues will no longer receive notifications based on that rule.
Be sure to click the Save button after making any of these changes.
- For a connections rule, if you select “Only the Following”, you will only receive notifications for the connection(s) selected.
- Notification rule names must be unique.
More Information
For more information about the Data Load Status page, check out our FAQ: Understanding Data Load Status Dashboards. If you need more assistance, our Customer Care team is standing by to help at