Flights are a way of breaking up a Line Item based on time or milestones. Using Flights on Line Items is optional, and can be configured individually by product.
Common uses for Flights
Monthly billing: using Flights for monthly billing allows for each month of a single campaign (i.e., a Line Item) to have its own unique entity (and subsequently, ID).
Email deployments: using Flights for email deployments allows for multiple deployments in a single email campaign to have unique tasks and information captured.
Flights are flexible and can be used in different ways for different products. They have their own forms (each Product can have a single Flight form) and workflows. Flight forms can be used to capture more specific information than what is on the Line Item. Flight workflows can have individual tasks specific to each Flight.
How to Use Flights
1] Ensure Flights have been enabled and configured for a product in your instance.
2] Find a Line Item for your product with Flights enabled.
3] Click the Line Item ID in the grid at the bottom of the Order Details page.
4] On the Line Item Details page, click the Flights tab.
NOTE: If a product does not have Flights enabled, the Flights tab will not appear on the Line Item Details page. |
5] These icons are where you can add new and manage existing Flights.