Before you begin: Once you create an Order, there are several actions you may want to take such as: reviewing Orders, editing Orders, canceling Orders (which cannot be deleted), and submitting Orders. (Often, an Order cannot be completed without being submitted.) This article explains how to complete those actions and manage your Orders.
How to Review an Order
To review an Order in TapClicks, you first need to locate it. Typically, you will review open Orders.
1] Login to TapClicks, and on the Orders menu, click Orders.
2] On the left navigation menu, under Order, click Open Orders.
3] The Open Orders list will appears. Locate the Order you want to review and click the number in the Order column. The Order details page will appear.
4] Review the details of the Order.
How to Edit an Order
After you create an Order, you can edit it. This includes editing the scheduling, client and proposal information, as well as Line Items and Flights.
5] There are two way to access the Edit Order page. From the Open Orders list, locate the Order you want to edit and click the pencil icon to the far right.
6] If you're already in the Order Details page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Edit Order.
7] The Edit Order page will appear.
8] Make the necessary changes, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Order.
How to Cancel an Order
To cancel an Order in TapClicks, you first need to locate it. Cancelling an Order does not delete it; it archives the Order.
9] Locate the Order you wish to Cancel in the Open Orders list.
10] Click on the Order number in the Order column to open the Order details page.
11] Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Cancel Order.
12] When prompted, confirm the cancellation by clicking Ok.
How to Submit an Order
To submit an Order in TapClicks, you first need to locate it. The Submit Order button accompanies a task called complete_order.
NOTE: You cannot submit an Order until the Finance Credit Approval Task is completed. Additionally, you must be assigned the Submit Order Task to see the Submit Order button. |
13] Locate the Order you wish to submit in the Open Orders list.
14] Click on the Order number in the Order column to open the Order details page.
15] Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit Order.
For instruction on adding Line Items and Flights to Orders, please refer to How to Add Line Items and Flights to Orders.