Before you begin: This article is written for TapClicks users who are already aware of what push connectors are and what they do. For more information on Push Connectors in general, please refer to Push Connectors Overview and Push Connector - FAQs.
LinkedIn Ads Push Connector Set-up
1] Log in to TapClicks and on the Data menu, click Data Sources.
2] The menu of data sources appears.
3] To locate the LinkedIn Ads data source, either scroll through the list of data sources or enter the data source into the search box in the upper right (results appear automatically).
Connect to the LinkedIn Ads Data Source
4] On the LinkedIn Ads data source, click Connect.
5] The LinkedIn login page appears.
NOTE: If you are already logged into LinkedIn, the system will authenticate with the credentials you are currently logged in with. If you need to use another account, log out before initiating the connection. |
6] Enter your username and password and click Sign in.
7] When TapClicks requests to access your account click Allow.
8] After you authenticate with LinkedIn Ads, you will land back in TapClicks. Make sure you are on the Data Sources page.
9] Locate the LinkedIn Ads data source and click Assign to Clients.
10] To assign your LinkedIn Ads data to a TapClicks Client, on the left side click on the data you want to assign.
11] To assign it to a client, on the right side choose a client from the existing client dropdown (as shown) or create a new client to assign it to.
12] Edit General Settings, Additional Information, and Primary Contact Information as needed for the client record, and then click Assign Client.
13] After client assignment, you can push campaigns to LinkedIn Ads. If you don’t see your account, hit the refresh button at the top of the screen.
Creating a New Order and Campaign
14] Log in to TapClicks and on the Orders menu, click Orders. The Classic TapOrders interface will open.
15] In the top right of the page, ensure you are using the Business Unit that has LinkedIn Ads product associated with it.
16] Click Create New Order.
17] The new order page will open. Fill out the Campaign Group details with an associated LinkedIn Ads advertiser using the drop down menu, type a name for the order into the textbox, and fill out the rest of the Campaign Group details.
18] When finished filling out the Campaign Group Details details, click Create Order.
19] The order overview page will open.
20] Next, scroll down to the Line Items header, and click Add Line Item (blue plus icon).
21] The Line Item creation page will open.
22] Start by choosing the LinkedIn Ads product from the Select a Product dropdown menu, the page will update.
23] If applicable, select a campaign type from the Select a Package dropdown menu, and the page will update again.
24] Start filling out your Campaign information by naming and setting the campaign objective in the Campaign Details section.
25] In the Geography and Targeting section, select your targeting information.
26] Next fill out the information in the Ad Format section.
27] In the Budget and Scheduling section, select a start and end date, your budget preferences, and your Optimization Goal.
28] When finished entering all your information, click Save Line Item at the bottom of the page.
29] Your campaign will now be pushed to LinkedIn Ads. To view it in LinkedIn Ads, click the Item Number for the Line Item you created.
30] Scroll down and find the campaign name, copy this.
31] Finally, navigate to the LinkedIn Ads platform and paste the campaign name into the search box to find your newly created campaign.
If you need more assistance, our Customer Care team is standing by to help at