This document contains frequently asked questions that arise when using the LinkedIn Business Reports data sources. You can quickly navigate to a particular FAQ by using the table of contents below.
Is there a specific access level for LinkedIn Business Reports?
Are there specific steps to get connected?
Why am I seeing a message about an invalid or incorrect date range?
Why can't I see data for certain revenue attribution metrics?
Why does my data look incomplete?
I connected to LinkedIn Business Reports but I can't build a widget, what's going on?
What if I need data from LinkedIn Business Reports that TapClicks doesn't quite support?
What fields are available for this data source?
Is there a specific access level for LinkedIn Business Reports?
Yes, the account connecting must be an Admin and the Business Manager account must be connected to a supported CRM system.
Are there specific steps to get connected?
Yes, see this article here.
Why am I seeing a message about an invalid or incorrect date range?
Check your date range on your dashboard or widget date override, if applicable. If your TapClicks dashboard is set to show a date range of less than 30 days, you'll need to adjust it to more than 30 days for data from the LinkedIn Business Reports API to be available. Additionally, data requests for periods more than a year ago are not supported by LinkedIn.
Why do I see different values when aggregating data compared to viewing more granular data from LinkedIn Business Reports?
This occurs because LinkedIn applies specific thresholding criteria for privacy when presenting more granular data through the API. As a result, metrics like Leads and Opportunities may appear in total rows or big number widgets, but may not be visible when data is broken down by campaign or date. For more information about these thresholding criteria, please contact your LinkedIn representative.
Why can't I see data for certain revenue attribution metrics?
You might need to check your LinkedIn Business Manager account to ensure all appropriate ad accounts are claimed. Once all accounts are properly claimed, try accessing your data again.
Why does my data look incomplete?
To ensure complete data integration through LinkedIn Business Reports, your CRM must synchronize with LinkedIn Business Manager. Confirm that all sync activities are completed in your LinkedIn Business Manager account.
I connected to LinkedIn Business Reports but I can't build a widget, what's going on?
First, make sure the "Use Data Warehouse" toggle is off when you build a widget because the LinkedIn Business Reports connector is an On Demand Connector that doesn’t store data in the TapClicks database. If the system indicates that you haven’t connected any data despite being connected to LinkedIn Business Reports, you may need to temporarily connect your dashboard to LinkedIn Ads to overcome this platform limitation. This connection tells the platform that you are linked to a data source, enabling you to build widgets as needed.
What if I need data from LinkedIn Business Reports that TapClicks doesn't quite support?
There is a way to approach this situation. Submit a request to the product team to evaluate bringing this data into the On Demand connector.
- Make sure to include report extract examples so that we can review the exact dimensions and metrics you’re looking for in your dashboard.
- If you need help with this process, connect with your Customer Success Manager or
If you need additional information from LinkedIn Business Reports, please reach out to your LinkedIn Business Reports representative. The LinkedIn Business Reports team has the ability to expose additional data sets that may meet your needs. If necessary, the LinkedIn Business Reports team will work with TapClicks to evaluate your options.
If you have additional questions about this process, feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Representative or
What fields are available for this data source?
After you connect a data source to TapClicks, you can use that data in your reports. These fields are organized into groups of similar types of data called Data Views. You can view all fields and data views for a given data source in the Connector Library.
For LinkedIn Business Reports, you will find a list of all dimensions and metrics available for use in TapClicks, organized by data view, here: LinkedIn Business Reports.