Are you a TapFree user? See this article.
Before you begin: The LinkedIn Profile data source provides data already organized for your use in TapClicks reporting.
Locate the LinkedIn Profile Data Source
1] Login to TapClicks and on the Data menu, click Data Sources.
2] The menu of data sources appears.
3] To locate the LinkedIn Profile data source, either scroll through the list of data sources or enter the data source into the search box in the upper right (results appear automatically).
Connect to the LinkedIn Profile Data Source
4] On the LinkedIn Profile data source, click Connect.
5] The LinkedIn login page appears.
NOTE: If you are already logged into LinkedIn, the system will authenticate with the credentials you are currently logged in with. If you need to use another account, log out before initiating the connection. |
6] Enter your username and password and click Sign in.
7] When TapClicks requests to access your account click Allow.
8] After you authenticate with LinkedIn, you will land back in TapClicks. Make sure you are on the Data Sources page.
9] Locate the LinkedIn Profile data source and click Assign to Clients.
10] To assign your LinkedIn Profile data to a TapClicks Client, on the left side click on the data you want to assign.
11] To assign it to a client, on the right side choose a client from the existing client dropdown (as shown) or create a new client to assign it to.
12] Edit General Settings, Additional Information, and Primary Contact Information for the client record as needed and then click Assign Client.
13] After the data source is connected and data is assigned, you can either click Fetch My Data or wait until the regular data fetch occurs for data to start flowing into your dashboard.
Congratulations! You have connected your LinkedIn Profile data to your TapClicks client records.
What’s Next?
An initial data fetch will occur for new assignments between a data source and TapClicks client records. Each data source has a different lookback period which determines the amount of historical data that is fetched (measured in months, weeks, or days). To view the lookback period for this Data Source and the status of your data fetches as a whole, click Data Load Status in the Data Management menu on the left side of your dashboard. For more information about Data Load Status, please see this article.
If you’re looking for more information about LinkedIn Profile, check out this knowledge base section to see additional articles that may meet your needs. If you need more assistance, our Customer Care team is standing by to help at