Before you begin: This article is written for users who are familiar with creating and managing Dashboards in TapClicks. For more general information on Dashboards, please refer to FAQs: Dashboards & Widgets or How to Create a Dashboard.
How to Create a Dashboard Folder
1] Login to TapClicks and on the Reports menu, click Dashboards.
2] In the top right of the page, click Add New.
3] From the dropdown list, select Add New Folder.
4] Enter a name for this folder into the text box.
5] Optionally, you can select a color for the icon of this folder and set who can access it.
Note: If you do not set access to this folder, the default is that all users can access it. |
6] When finished, click Create Folder at the bottom of the pop-up.
7] You will be redirected back to the Dashboards page where you will see your newly created folder.
How to Put a Dashboard into a Folder
1] Navigate to the Dashboard that you want to put in a folder.
2] Hover over the dashboard and a few buttons will appear.
3] Click the Move to Folder button.
4] Scroll or use the search box to find the folder you want to put the dashboard into and click it.
5] Click Add To Folder at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
How to Move a Dashboard Out of a Folder
1] Navigate to the Dashboard that you want to remove from a folder. This can be done from the main dashboard page or from within the folder.
2] Hover over the dashboard and you will see a couple buttons appear.
3] Click the Move to Folder button.
4] Either scroll or use the search box to find the folder the dashboard is in and click it.
5] Click Move Out at the top right of the pop-up menu.