Before you begin: This support guide shows you how to create a dashboard in TapClicks. A dashboard is a way to share reports with internal and external teams. Think of a dashboard as a container. Inside that container you arrange graphs, text and images to tell your story with data.
When creating a dashboard, you choose between building one from scratch and using an existing template as a starting point. In TapClicks, the various graphs and text boxes are called widgets. For detailed instructions on how to add widgets to a dashboard, please see this article.
Using the same dashboard for as many clients as possible is best practice. Using just a few dashboards across several clients, you can scale your reporting operations and filter the dashboard to a particular client.
Create a New Dashboard
1] On the left side menu, click Reports and then click Dashboards.
2] The All Dashboards tab appears with a list of existing dashboards and folders containing dashboards, if any.
3] To create a new Dashboard, click the Add New button in the upper right.
4] From the dropdown list, select Add New Dashboard.
5] The New Dashboard screen appears with two choices: Freehand and Dashboard Template.
NOTE: Templates are predefined dashboards that come as a standard feature in TapClicks. The templates reflect channel-specific KPIs and metrics based on industry best practices. They were put together by industry analytics experts. You can use any of the templates as is, or modify them by adding or removing widgets or changing the look and feel. To use a template, you will have to make a copy of it. |
6] To create a dashboard from scratch, click Freehand on the left and go to step 9. To create a dashboard based on a pre-defined template, click Dashboard Template on the right side. The Select a dashboard type screen appears.
7] To search for a specific template, enter the title of the template in the search box (results appear automatically).
8] To filter the list of available templates, click Add Filters.
9] When you identify the template you want to base your dashboard on, click it.
10] The New Dashboard Settings screen appears.
11] Enter a title for your dashboard in the Title textbox.
12] From the Data Profiles dropdown menu, choose one or more data profiles for this dashboard.
13] If you change your mind and want to remove a data profile, click the "x" to the right of the profile.
14] Select a business unit from the Business Unit dropdown menu.
15] To optionally populate your dashboard with sample data, turn on the Enable Demo Mode switch.
16] To optionally pre-filter your dashboard data on one client, click the Data Pre-Filtering dropdown arrow.
17] Choose the client from the Client dropdown menu to pre-filter on them.
18] To optionally apply styles to your dashboard, click the Styling Options dropdown arrow.
19] Choose a font size and color palette from the available choices.
20] Click Save at the bottom.
21] If you created a dashboard based on a template, you're finished. If you still want to add additional widgets to your template-based dashboard, go to How to Create Widgets. If you created a dashboard from scratch, your dashboard is empty and so you will have to add widgets. Go to How to Create Widgets.