Before you begin: This support guide shows you how to import data from TapClicks to Google Sheets using an add-on in Google Sheets.
Install the Add-on
1] From within a Google Sheet, in the Extensions menu at the top, click Add-ons-->Get add-ons.
2] At the top of the Google Workspace Marketplace, enter "TapClicks" in the search box and hit Enter.
3] You should only see one result: the TapClicks add-on. Click it.
4] On the next screen, click the Install button.
5] When the permission popup appears, click Continue.
6] If you have to choose a Google Account, do so.
7] When the allow access popup appears, click Allow at the bottom.
Use the Add-on
8] To launch the add-on, in the Extensions menu at the top, click TapClicks-->Show Sidebar
9] The add-on appears on the right side. You can see the version number at the bottom.
10] Enter the instance in the Instance textbox. The instance is a URL with this format: <instance_name>
11] Enter your account email and password.
12] Click Login.
Import Data
13] The add-on has several inputs (see image below).
14] Choose your data source from the Data Sources dropdown menu.
NOTE: At any time during the import data process, you can click the Clear button at the bottom to start over. |
15] Choose your data view from the Data Views dropdown menu.
16] Decide how you want to group the data and make the selection from the Group by(s) dropdown menu. You can make more than one selection.
NOTE: Fields selected as Group bys are automatically added as columns in your Google Sheet. Therefore, there is no need to select them in the Columns menu as well (step 18). |
17] You can remove a Group by selection by clicking the "x" to the right.
18] Decide what columns you want to import and make the selections from the Column(s) dropdown menu. You can make more than one selection.
19] You can remove a Column by selection by clicking the "x" to the right.
20] Select the date range you want to import from the Date Range dropdown menu. If you don't want one of the predefined selections, choose Custom and enter your preferred range
21] If you chose a Group by field (step 16) that is date-based, a Time Grouping menu will appear. Choose an option for your Group by field.
22] Click the Options arrow.
23] On the Options menu, choose a row limit, a sort by column (if you chose more than one) and a direction for the sort from the respective dropdown menus.
24] If you change your mind, click the Clear Sort button at the bottom and start over.
Filter Data
25] To filter the imported data, click the Add Filter button.
26] From the Select Field dropdown menu, choose a field to filter the imported data.
27] Depending on your selected field, you may have the option to select an attribute or a min/max range.
28] To remove the filter, click the "x" to the right.
29] To add more filters, repeat steps 25 - 28.
Insert Data/Formula or Save the Query
30] Click the down arrow to the right of the Insert Data button.
31] Select one of the three options:
- Insert Data: inserts the data which results from the selections you've made
- Insert Formula: inserts the formula represented by the selections you've made
- Save Query: saves the query (you will have to give the query a name)
32] Click either the Insert Data, Insert Formula or Save Query button (whichever is applicable). For insert data/formula, the data/formula will be inserted beginning where your cursor is positioned in the Google Sheet.
Using a Saved Query
33] To reuse a saved query, click the hamburger menu in the upper left of the sidebar.
33] From the menu that appears, click Manage Queries.
34] Click the pencil icon in the query you want to use.
34] The sidebar appears with the query parameters already filled in (and a new Save Queries dropdown menu at the top). From here you can edit the query and resave, or insert the data or formula into the Google Sheet.
Refresh the Data
NOTE: There are two ways to refresh TapClicks data in a Google Sheet: automatically and manually. Only formulas refresh the data. Data inserted with "Insert Data" will NOT be refreshed. |
Refresh Data Automatically
35] To set how frequently the Google Sheet refreshes the data automatically, click the hamburger menu in the upper left of the sidebar. From the menu that appears, click Refresh Settings.
37] Click the dropdown arrow in the Refresh Frequency menu.
38] Choose from Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
39] If you chose Daily, you'll have to choose from the Around dropdown menu which hour of the day (approximately) you want your data refreshed.
40] If you chose Weekly (Monthly), you'll have to choose from the On dropdown menu what day of the week (month) you want your data refreshed and from the Around dropdown menu what hour of that day (approximately) you want your data refreshed.
41] Click Save.
42] Click End to stop the refresh schedule.
Refresh Data Manually
43] From the Google Sheet menu, do Extensions-->TapClicks-->Refresh All Data.
NOTE: This refreshes the data for every formula on the sheet. |