Important Note: Some features mentioned in these Release Notes may not be available right away. Don’t worry—these features will be included in an upcoming update and ready for you soon! If you have any questions, please get in touch with your CSM directly or email
Smart Connector Updates
Smart Connector: Open Links in Emails
Smart Connectors allow you to add data to TapClicks from nearly any source. You can manually upload data from a CSV, access data from a file location, or even connect TapClicks directly to a database. One of the really great methods for getting data is by sending it directly to the system as an email attachment.
Well, the Product Managers have really improved that already great experience. You can now send data to TapClicks as links in emails not just attachments. Some Data Sources, instead of sending files as an attachment, send download links for files. You can now automatically download these files by opening the link in the email.
More about Smart Connector Delivery Types, see this article.
How to Setup a Smart Connector [Video], watch it here.
Delete data, but keep files
This new Smart Connector option allows you to keep your manually uploaded files in the platform when / if you delete your data from widgets. If you need to delete your data to make a change to your Smart Connector configuration, we will keep your manually uploaded files so you don't have to download and re-upload them.
Orders & Workflow
Provide a switch to control the whether comments are required on edits - in Preferences
As part of this release we are now allowing TapOrders customers to determine whether they want to require comments on any edits within the system. Today, whenever an edit is made to a line item, order or flight a comment is required. This has caused users to put many unusable comments in to get past this requirement. Comment threads can not be more relevant and useful when a client does not want comments to be required for their TapClicks Instance. This is an instance wide setting that is set through the Preferences page.
Support for Responsive Text Ads - Google Ads
For clients of TapOrders that leverage the Google Ads Push integration, the clients can now create Responsive Text Ads from TapOrders. This allows our clients to do even more from within TapOrders - the more that can be done inside of TapOrders, the less time our clients will need to spend between systems (partly in TO, partly in Google)
Create Advanced widget for bidding strategies - Google Ads
We have created an advanced widget that consolidates all the bidding strategies that are currently supported for Google Ads. This was done to improve usability and address bid validation gaps.
Data Source Updates
Creative Groups - New Data View: Campaign Manager
We built out a new data view to bring in the Creative Groups within Campaign Manager. Clients will now be able to report on and visualize Creative Groups within TapClicks allowing for better end client reports.
Facebook Ads - Add field support for Story Ad Previews
TapClicks has updated the logic used to retrieve creative previews for the Facebook Ads connector to allow for Story Ad Previews to be populated within TapClicks. The benefit to you is now you will be able to build reports that allow your end clients to see previews for all Ad types rather than just some.
Google Ad Manager - API Upgraded to v202011
We have moved the TapClicks connection to Google Ad Manager to the latest version, v202011, to ensure data flows as expected.
StackAdapt - New Fields: Video Metrics
The follow metrics have been added to the StackAdapt Data Source. Clients running video campaigns with StackAdapt can not report on these KPIs within TapClicks
- Video starts
- 25% Video Completion
- 50% Video Completion
- 75% Video Completion
- 100% Video Completion
- Video Completion Rate
- eCPV
The Trade Desk - New fields: Advertiser Field
You can now add the Advertiser ID and Name fields to all data views for better filtering and grouping abilities. This will
LinkedIn Ads - New Fields: Creative Name for "Video" campaigns in Ads Dataview
You can now use Creative Name for Video type Campaigns in LinkedIn ads reports. You will be able to report on all Campaign types in a single report and see the Names for all regardless of the type of Campaign it is. This helps create a more uniform reporting experience for users of LinkedIn Ads.
Zeta DSP - New Fields: View conversion and Click conversions
You now have access to the following fields in Zeta DSP:
- RF Click Conversions
- RF View Conversions
- RF Conversions
- Impression Day RF Click Conversions
- Impression Day RF View Conversions
- Impression Day RF Conversions
Shopify - New Fields: Product ID, Product Title, Variant Title, Payment Status, Order ID, Net quantity, Total sales
We have added and renamed fields within the Shopify connector.
Orders data view:
- Order Number
- Returned Quantity
- Net Quantity
- Order Number → Order Name
- Test Order → Is Test Order
- Financial Status → Payment Status
- Order Quantity → Ordered Quantity
Line Items data view:
- Product ID
- Line Item Name
- Requires Shipping
- Taxable
- Is Gift Card?
- Fulfillment Service
- Returned Quantity
- Net Quantity
- Line Item Tile → Product Title
- Variant Name → Variant Title
- Quantity → Ordered Quantity
- SKU → Variant SKU
- Variant Name → Variant Title
- Vendor → Product Vendor
- Quantity → Ordered Quantity
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