Important Note: Some features mentioned in these Release Notes may not be available right away. Don’t worry—these features will be included in an upcoming update and ready for you soon! If you have any questions, please get in touch with your CSM directly or email
Orders & Workflow
Added exception log ID to webhook error comment
When a webhook error/exception occurs on an order or line item, there is a comment logged indicating that an error had occurred. Previously, to see the details of the error required you to search through the log IDs, which could be time consuming, especially when there was a lot of errors. Now, the log ID is contained within the error comment, which cuts down on troubleshooting time.
Workflow debug info
We have improved the visibility of how the workflow engine behaves on particular orders and line items. There is a new “Workflow Audit” which shows a step-by-step display of the actions the workflow engine took during the course of an order, line item, flight or client workflow. This is helpful in troubleshooting workflows.
Turn on/off required comments
You now have the ability to turn on and off whether you want to require comments during editing of orders, line items and flights. Previously, whenever an edit was made a comment was required. This caused many users to provide unusable comments just to get past the requirement. That’s no longer an issue with this change. The switch to do this can be found in the Preferences section.
New fields available with Verve Velocity connector
We have added the following new fields to the Verve Velocity connector:
- Tap to View
- Map POI Swipe
- Scroll to Map
You can now report on these fields in your dashboard visualizations as needed.
International support for Amazon Ads connector
We have added additional support for the Amazon Ads connector in markets outside of North America. You are now able to map campaigns running internationally. You must have one, and only one profile associated with each specific marketplace (e.g.,, and you must use the correct profile for each specific marketplace where you wish to manage your campaigns.
Service name/icon updates
The following service names have been updated to stay current with TapClicks' partners:
- beeswax changed to Beeswax
- Phonewagon changed to PhoneWagon
- Getintent changed to GetIntent
- dotmailer changed to dotdigital
- Appnexus changed to Xandr Invest
- Strata changed to Freewheel
Update formula for Search Ads 360 CTR field
To be in alignment with Google Search Ads 360 UI, we have changed the formula for click-through-rate (CTR):
CTR = (Clicks/Total Impressions)*100
The data type is now percentage.
Update error message handling for Salesforce Marketing Cloud
In an effort to provide better guidance to our clients, you will now be able to correct you own widget configuration based on what is allowed and not allowed from the source API. This is a way of making our clients more self-sufficient.
Update default metrics for Facebook Ads
For both Megalytic and Raven Facebook Ads, we have update the default values for Dimension and Metric when building a widget for the first time. Dimension defaults to “Campaigns” and Metric defaults to “Clicks”. This makes building a widget the first time a better experience and less error prone.
Enhancement – select time from dropdown menu
For both Megalytic and Raven, we have now made it possible for you to select the time grouping option (i.e., Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Hourly Advertiser Timezone, Hourly Account Timezone) from a dropdown menu. This helps you avoid having to select multiple time groupings. Time groupings are specific to an integration. Changing the integration changes the values in the dropdown menu.
New GDS connector for Raven LinkedIn Pages
We have implemented the TapClicks live microservice (now called On Demand Connector) for LinkedIn Pages into GDS under the Raven brand.
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