Before you begin: This article details the steps for connecting a LinkedIn Business Manager Account to a currently supported TapClicks CRM. This is a necessary step to take advantage of the LinkedIn Business Reports Instant On Connector.
Business Manager Account
1] Create a LinkedIn Business Manager Account. If you don’t already have one, follow the steps here.
Connect the CRM
NOTE: Currently, the only CRM platforms available to connect TapClicks with Business Manager are Salesforce and Dynamics365. Other CRM platforms, such as HubSpot, will be available later. A list of objects and fields imported from CRM are mentioned here. Marketers will need to ensure API access is enabled in their CRM to read these objects. |
Connect Salesforce CRM
NOTE: We recommend that you use a Salesforce Integration User. |
2] Ensure your Salesforce profile has the API Enabled box checked.
3] Enable CRM sync for all features using credentials with a View or Read-only permission level on the objects and fields imported from Salesforce.
NOTE: Business Manager supports CRM connectivity via OAuth. |
4] Go to your Business Manager to connect your CRM. Sign into your Business Manager. (You need to have an Admin role on the Business Manager to connect to CRM).
5] Click Settings in the menu on the left side of the page.
6] Under App Integration, click the arrow next to the CRM connection.
7] Under Establish a new connection, click the Connect button next to your CRM provider (i.e., Salesforce).
8] Login with your Salesforce account from the authentication prompt.
NOTE: It could take up to 72 hours to see data in LinkedIn. |
App Integration (Connecting to TapClicks)
NOTE: Marketers can allow your reporting platform application to access their Business Manager data by following the steps below. |
9] Sign into Business Manager. (You need to have an Admin role on the Business Manager to connect your reporting platform application).
10] Click Settings in the menu on the left side of the page.
11] Under App Integration, click the arrow next to Business Integrations.
12] Under Add business integrations, in the list of available partner platforms, find your reporting platform provider and click the Connect button next to it.
13] Review permissions that you are granting to your reporting platform app, and click Accept & Continue.