Before you begin: The Naming Conventions builder and the data source assigning rules provide the means to automate assigning. To do automatic assigning, you must have the Naming Conventions feature enabled. You can do this with the help of your Customer Success Manager.
Automatic assigning runs automatically every night prior to TapClicks data collection and after CRM/Salesforce processing. This ensures the most recent data is assigned/collected for newly generated advertisers.
What are some best practices when automating assigning?
Does automatic assigning un-assign existing assignments?
What does the naming convention parser do?
How to Automate Assigning
Preliminary Checklist
- Determine which data sources might be a good candidate for automating assigning. Review the assigning process to determine whether you are using 1 or 2-level assigning for that data source.
- Determine the naming convention. Understanding the various conventions the AdOps team uses for fulfillment will help to simplify the configuration. Review the data in the assigning (or export via Manage Assigning ) to determine how well the naming convention is being followed.
- Identify the attribute you will be using for automatic assigning. Will it be the Billing ID, CRM ID, Company Name or one of the Additional Details fields on the client record?
- Use the client import to upload these identifiers if necessary. Export clients to check the values.
- Be prepared to use one of your assigns as sample text in the naming convention builder.
Building a New Naming Convention
1] Login to TapClicks and on the Data menu, click Naming Conventions.
2] On the Naming Conventions page, in the upper right, click Add New Naming Convention.
3] The New Naming Convention builder appears.
4] Enter a name for your new naming convention in the Name textbox.
5] Optionally enter a sample of your proposed naming convention in the Sample Naming Convention textbox.
NOTE: You build your naming convention by dragging identifiers, delimiters and special elements into the Builder working area. |
6] To build your naming convention, hover your mouse over the identifier, delimiter or special element you want to drag to the Builder working area. You mouse turns into a cross.
NOTE: If you want to use a different delimiter than the ones available, you can always add a different one by clicking the +Delimiter button, entering the one you want into the textbox and clicking Save. |
7] Right click and hold down the mouse button as your drag the first element to the upper left of the Builder area.
8] Continue adding elements, left to right, until you completed your desired naming convention.
9] Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
Establishing the Assigning Rules
10] On the Data menu, click Assignment Rules.
11] If no assignments rules have been made, click Create First in the center of the page.
12] In the upper right, click the Add New Assignment Rule (i.e., plus sign) icon,
12] The New Assignment Rule screen appears.
14] Enter a name for the assignment rule in the Name textbox.
15] Select the data source you want to use for the assignment rule from the Data Source dropdown menu.
NOTE: The system supports multiple automatic assigning and naming convention rules. These can be configured separately for each data source if these need to be different. |
16] Decide which data source match field you want to use from the Data Source Match Field dropdown menu. This is typically a choice between account and campaign.
17] Choose which client record field to match on for the auto assigning from the Client Record Match Field dropdown menu. The system will then automatically assign any record that has a matching field to that field loaded into the client record.
18] Select the naming convention you created above from the Naming Convention dropdown menu.
19] Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
Final Checklist
Once you have the assignment rule and naming conventions configured, verify the configuration prior to creating the actual assignments. PLEASE NOTE: It is important to preview the matches prior to clicking Play on the rule, or leaving the rule active overnight, because the system will automatically create the matches as new assignments. If there are errors, the assignments will need to be manually un-assigned. This can be time consuming.
- Setup the automatic assigning rule based on the above information. Use the Preview option to preview a rule's auto-assignment and verify that the system matched the records your expected. This will not keep the assignments it evaluates as it is for testing.
- Use the Play button to manually run the assigning and create the actual assignments. Review the assignments that were created to audit and use the Manage Data Sources page, select the data source, open the assigning screen and click Refresh to see the results after processing.
The first fetch after running the auto-assignment process may take extra time as the system pulls in the data for all the new.
What is assigning?
Assigning in Tapclicks is the process of associating accounts or advertisers with their corresponding client record from various integrated data source platforms. In order to collect the data, associate it with a proper advertiser. This allows for automated client-level reporting and filtering. Manual assigning is one of the most commonly used activities within Tapclicks. Automating these assignments expands the platform’s ability to scale.
What are some best practices when automating assigning?
- Automatic assigning assumes the client records are already created. It does not automatically create new client records based on assigning values. We suggest using the client import or use CRM integration (e.g., Salesforce) to automatically manage the client records.
- We recommend this be configured in a test environment (or on a test business unit) before deploying in production. You will want to verify the assigning activity before running automatic assigning on all your data sources for an enterprise account. Your account manager can help with this process.
- You must use a reasonably well-followed naming conventions when creating advertisers and/or campaigns in the data sources in which you would like the assigning to be automated.
- When assignments are processed, the first assigning rule that matches will be used to implement the assignment. We recommend that you minimize any overlap between your naming convention and auto-assigning rules wherever possible.
- Automatic assigning does not have an undo or preview. However, in the event a large number of assignments need to be corrected, you can use the bulk assigning option to facilitate that.
Does automatic assigning un-assign existing assignments?
No. Automatic assigning will not un-assign existing assignments in the platform. It will only add new assignments based on rule matching only.
What does the naming convention parser do?
The naming convention parser is designed to allow you to specify a naming convention that can be used to parse elements out of a assigning value (or eventually other strings in the platform) and use the element as part of the auto-assigning rules.