This document contains frequently asked questions that arise when working with Orders & Workflow in TapClicks. You can quickly navigate to a particular FAQ by using the table of contents below.
What are the client status types in Orders?
What are the client status types in Orders
1] PreSale
- Customer is created and has NEVER had an order created
- Is considered pending save of an Order to be marked active
- Use Case: customers have not been mapped in Reports or Analytics, but still have Orders assigned to them
- Users will not yet have any access to the TapClicks dashboard
2] Active
- System increments status from Presale to Active as soon as first order is saved for that client
3] Inactive
- The inactive status will be set automatically when a customer is deleted
- Denotes the client is no longer advertising with the agency/publisher
- Customer is never removed from the Orders. Inactive clients are available in the client dropdown for new Orders. Creating a new order will move the status of this client back to Active.
- Billing uniqueness is still maintained while this client is in the system
4] Terminated
- Denotes “deletion” of the client record
- User will no longer appear in any dropdowns for creating new Orders
- User’s previous activity will still appear on reports in Orders & Workflow
- Terminated users are tracked in the user list for agency users. We post-append “Terminated” to the user name to make it clear. ([UserName] – Terminated)
- Billing Id and Uniqueness constraints no longer apply (we append a key to indicate this billing id belongs to a terminated client).
- Cannot view as a client
- Only super admins and business unit admins can see Terminated clients in users list