Important Note: Some features mentioned in these Release Notes may not be available right away. Don’t worry—these features will be included in an upcoming update and ready for you soon! If you have any questions, please get in touch with your CSM directly or email
Instant On Connectors
Facebook Insights - updated API
We have updated the Facebook Insights connectors to version 14 of the Facebook Marketing API for both native Instant On Connectors and for customers leveraging live call widgets (now referred to as On Demand).
Facebook Ads - updated API
We have updated the Facebook Ads connectors to version 14 of the Facebook Marketing API for both native Instant On Connectors and for customers leveraging live call widgets (now called On Demand). Being on the most current version of the API will minimize data interruption. Additionally, now that the API is up to date, TapClicks is ready to start building new data views for this data source.
Facebook Ads - field exposed
We have exposed the Facebook Ads field Account Spending Limit. Access to this field enables users to have an idea of the overall spending cap on their Facebook accounts to see if their regular spending is approaching the threshold.
Facebook Ads - updated field
We have updated the Facebook Ads field for Link Text to Ad Body on the Ads data view. Our labels are now in sync with the source system.
Spotify Ads - updated API
We have updated the Spotify API to version 1.3 for both native Instant On Connectors and for customers leveraging Live Call widgets (now called On Demand).
Google Ads - new data view added
We have added a new data view called Extensions (upgraded). This will enable users who are looking for data from the Extensions (upgraded) report in the Google Ads reporting interface to bring in that data through the native connector instead of using a Smart Connector.
If after the Google Ads API upgrade, you find that the legacy extensions data view is only partially meeting your needs, try this new data view. This new data view is by request only, please reach out to your Customer Success Representative or to leverage this new data set. If you find that you’re still in need of additional data concerning extensions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Google Ads - new fields added for Call Ads
We have added the following new fields specifically for Call Ads on the Ads data view:
- Call ad business name
- Call ad headline 1
- Call ad headline 2
- Call ad description 1
- Call ad description 2
- Call ad call tracking enabled?
- Call ad disable call conversion?
- Call ad phone number verification URL
- Call ad conversion action
The above fields, which are used to track Call Ads, can be used by users at their convenience to address requirements which may arise in the future.
Google Ads - fields updated and added for Image Ads
We have updated and added fields specifically for Image Ads on the Ads data view. The following fields have been updated:
- “Image Height“ → “Image ad height”
- “Image Width“ → “Image ad width”
The following new fields have been added:
- Image ad preview width
- Image ad preview height
- Image ad preview image url
With these changes, users can now get information about the ad with a preview as a part of the Ads Data view. - new data view added
We have added a new data view for Conversion Segments to the feed. This new data view will enable customers to report on and make visualizations for conversion metrics. If you would like to take advantage of this new data view, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or - migrated to Report Schedules for all customers
We have incorporated data fetch logic to use the Report Schedule API methods. Users will now experience faster fetches for regular daily data loads.
Data Dynamix - field added
Users who use Data-Dynamix email can now include a link to the Blast Click Map in their reporting. The Blast Click Map allows users to see the links they have embedded into their email campaigns and how many clicks are being driven from those links. This helps advertisers see which content is driving engagement with their audience.
Smart Connectors
New delivery type: Azure Blob Storage
We have added a new data source: Azure Blob Storage. Users will now be able to process data that is stored on Azure Blob Storage and bring it into their TapClicks dashboards.
New configuration flow
We’ve created dedicated sections for configuring certain key fields while setting up a Smart Connector. Those fields are Date, Assignment, Unique Fields and Parent Inheritance. Users will now be able focus on these field fields separately, instead of having them mixed in with other configuration steps in the main grid.
Updated Marketplace template
We have updated the Logiq Marketplace template.
Updated string
We have updated string in Smart Connector configuration screen from "Data contains dates?" to "Data does not contain Dates". This change is easier for users to understand the purpose of the toggle.
Enabled no date data for all users
We have added the option to ingest data with no date column. Users can now pull in and visualize non-time-series data via the Smart Connector.
Google Sheets
Added filtering capability
We have added support for Exclude, AND/OR and wildcard filtering. Users can now filter their data more effectively.
Added ability to activate Orders while pushing Google Ad Manager
Users now have the the ability to activate the Order and keep the Line Item status as ready while the Order and Line Items are being pushed to Google Ad Manager (GAM) from TapClicks, . This is controlled by a preference setting. Users who prefer not to use it can use the integration the old way.
While many users prefer to not have to approve an Order and keep everything in draft status, Some users require Orders to be approved while they are being pushed. This reduces manual intervention on the GAM platform and keeps their Advertising Operations team in TapClicks as long as possible to avoid double work.
Improved grid styling
We are offering a better user experience by providing more options to customize widgets. Those options include the following:
- Styling the header of the widget using a rich text editor (i.e., media widget) and having that title applied to the grids
- Grid theme styling - introducing grid lines
- Updating plot types for both Classic and Default types
Our objective is to improve data visualization by giving users more control of the styling mechanism so they can visualize data in their own way.
Allow dashboard data pre-filtering on client groups
We are releasing a new feature which enables a dashboard to be pre-filtered to a client group. Now clients will be able to represent multi-location customers using the dashboard client group filter.
This enhancement introduces the CLIENT GROUP pre-filter in the EDIT DASHBOARD section. The client group filter will also be available in the Dashboard Pre-filter while creating a new dashboard. This makes it easy to use in the matched list in the new pre-filter client group and the normal client group dashboard filter.
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