Important Note: Some features mentioned in these Release Notes may not be available right away. Don’t worry—these features will be included in an upcoming update and ready for you soon! If you have any questions, please get in touch with your CSM directly or email
Integrate your Data in Minutes with Templates
TapClicks is working with data source vendors to design templates that allow you to easily install connectors with the optimum settings to access your desired data source. These connector templates are included in the Smart Connector Marketplace.
This month we are releasing the first nine templates, and each month more templates will be added to the Marketplace, allowing you to easily expand the data sources you access. The following templates are available in the Smart Connector Marketplace:
- Adobe
- Authority Labs
- Craigslist
- Hulu
- Salesforce Campaigns
- Salesforce Closed Opportunities
- Salesforce Sales
- Strata
- TripAdvisor
Using a Smart Connector Template
To use a Smart Connector template:
Log in to TapClicks and click Manage Data Sources in the left pane.
Click Smart Connections Marketplace.
Select a smart connector template, such as Salesforce Campaigns (shown below), to install it:
A confirmation message appears. - Click Confirm to complete the installation.
A Smart Connector is created for you, and the Edit screen opens, showing you the fields set in your new smart connector.
The fields set on this screen are intended to provide you the optimum analytics data for your data source. The Manage Connection section includes the Delivery type field, which indicates where the Smart Connector will look for the data.
- You need to ensure that you have a hosting location for the Delivery type specified under Manage Connection.
For example, if the Delivery type field on the Edit screen is set to FTP, you will still need to ensure that the FTP site has a file on it with headers that match the fields specified under Data Fields.
Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or for more details.
New Connectors for Your Portfolio
LiveIntent helps deliver ads and marketing material to consumers based on info derived from their email, not cookies, allowing advertisers and marketers to follow potential customers from device to device.
Moat measures real-time display and video analytics over 33 billion times per day. You can drill down on an individual creative or get a holistic view of a brand's overall media strategy.
Vimeo is an ad-free video platform that allows publishing videos to any channel, and provides marketing tools to increase engagement.
Getintent -- By Request Only
This is a Beta release. Getintent provides a customizable AI-powered programmatic suite that empowers agencies, publishers, broadcasters, and content owners with an essential tool to grow their programmatic revenues.
Data Source Specific Updates
Amazon Ads
Four New Fields for ACOS metrics
Four new fields have been added to the Campaigns and Ad Groups data views that allow you to create visualizations using the ACOS (Advertising Cost Of Sales) metrics. The four new fields:
TapClicks Field | Calculation | Format |
ACOS 1d | Cost / Attributed Sales 1d | percent ; 2 |
ACOS 7d | Cost / Attributed Sales 7d | percent ; 2 |
ACOS 14d | Cost / Attributed Sales 14d | percent ; 2 |
ACOS 30d | Cost / Attributed Sales 30d | percent ; 2 |
Two new fields added to the Creative data of AppNexus view for Video Preview Link and Native Preview Link.
Facebook Ads
We have migrated to the latest version of the Facebook Marketing API for our Facebook Ads connector. With this upgrade Facebook has deprecated a few fields. See Facebook’s article about this:
Google Ad Manager
Ability to Fetch Ad Units On Demand
You now have the ability to update cashing tables and bring objects such as Ad Units, Geography, etc, which are created or added in an external system like Google Ad Manager on demand.
Clients can update this information themselves without having to wait until the following day or by getting Tap engineering involved.
Search Bar - Visual Indicator
The Search Bar functionality has been updated to provide a visual indicator to show that the search has begun. As soon as you type three characters in the search bar, the search begins automatically and a visual indicator (a loading wheel) is displayed while the screen is loading with the results of the search.
Updated Confirmation Message for Push to Google Ad Manager
The confirmation message for a successful push to Google Ad Manager has been updated to respect the service white-label on the instance. For example, if the service was renamed to “O&O”, then the message will read “Line item data successfully sent to vendor O&O”.
Google Ads
New Performance Data View -- By Request Only
This feature is available by request only. A new data view that provides performance data on Ads organized by Device.
Yext Enhanced
New Fields Added to “Main Column” Data View -- By Request Only
This is a Beta release. For clients that are leveraging the “Google Customer Actions” & “Yelp Customer Actions” dataviews, we have exposed aggregated values to the Campaign level, which allow additional visualizations from the Campaign level. You can also use these new fields to create Calculations as you see fit.
From “Google Customer Actions” Level, add the following fields on “Campaigns”:
- Google Customer Actions (sum of all actions for the period)
- Google Website Clicks (sum of Clicks for the period)
- Google Get Directions (sum of Get Directions for the period)
- Google Phone Calls (sum of Phone Calls for the period)
From “Yelp Customer Actions” Level, add the following fields on “Campaigns”:
- Yelp Customer Actions (sum of all actions for the period)
- Yelp Website Clicks (sum of Clicks for the period)
- Yelp Get Directions (sum of Get Directions for the period)
- Yelp Phone Calls (sum of Phone Calls for the period)
Please note that if you do not have the lower level data views enabled, these fields will not be available to you.
Smart Connector Updates
New Definition Check
We now check multi-level Smart Connector definitions for integrity between the data levels. This check occurs automatically while creating a Smart Connector definition. If an error is detected, a warning is displayed along with a suggested remedy and a link to the Smart Connector definition to review. For example:
Delivery Type Custom Mapping
You now have the option to define a dedicated mapping file or query on the Smart Connector Configuration screen for the following delivery types:
- Amazon S3
- PostgreSQL
- Snowflake
- Redshift
This feature, called Mapping FIle (or Mapping Query) option allows you to present mapping options on screen without having to comb through files on a hosting location.
This feature is useful when your mapping screen takes a long time to load, often due to Smart Connectors that have many files or large files.
Platform Specific Updates
Improved Error Messages
This is an ongoing effort to make error messages easier to understand and include information about fixing the error.
Tagging Users in Comments
You can now tag users in comments, allowing you to specifically call out other users to get notifications about their comment. Tagged users will receive the comment as long as their user notifications are turned on. Tagged users will NOT be added to the watchers list, so they will not receive future notifications about this order/line unless they are tagged again or are added as a watcher on this object. To tag a user, use the “@” symbol with the user name.
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