Important Note: Some features mentioned in these Release Notes may not be available right away. Don’t worry—these features will be included in an upcoming update and ready for you soon! If you have any questions, please get in touch with your CSM directly or email
New Features
Quickbooks - New Smart Connector Delivery Type
See your complete customer lifecycle with TapClicks. The Quickbooks delivery type for Smart Connectors is one more update enabling you to get a more comprehensive view on your customer accounts. Managing clients is more than just reporting. You also need to see who’s spending money, how much they’re spending, and other important invoicing details. The Quickbooks Smart Connector helps you develop that insight.
To use the Quickbooks Smart Connector delivery type, simply select it from the Smart Connector marketplace on the Manage Data Sources overview page, or choose from the dropdown after creating a new Smart Connector. You’ll be asked to authenticate your data and assign clients.
You'll need to query Quickbooks. You can find additional information about the appropriate syntax here, which comes from the broader Quickbooks API documentation:
Tip: You also will need to ensure your query has a date so it works with the TapClicks information architecture.
Imagine what you’ll be able to do when you bring revenue and invoicing data alongside your marketing and account data.
Smart Connector Template Calculations
Smart Connector Templates just got even more powerful. TapClicks is always working to make it easier for you to bring your data into one place so you can develop unparalleled insights. In addition to Instant-On Connectors, you can use Smart Connectors to bring in any data.
Smart Connector Templates are a predefined set of field mappings to make it easier for you to use Smart Connectors. Simply go to the Smart Connector Marketplace on the Manage Data Sources page, click the data source you want to connect, and you’ll be given a template to use to map your data.
So what’s different? Now when you connect data using one of these templates, you’ll also get valuable pre-built Calculations along with the mapping. Our data partners have helped TapClicks craft the right calculations for your analysis and now you can get them in the same file.
When you upload the Smart Connector template in your instance, you will see the associated Calculations in your Calculations tab in the left sidenav.
New Text Calculations function: “Locate”
For users that have transitioned over to the New Platform (faster, new design, easier navigation, all kinds of good stuff), you will have access to an upgraded Calculations tool that includes the ability to create “text calculations”. Similar to what you may be familiar with in Excel, text calculations allow you to create functions using text trigger words. Common use cases include IF / THEN statements, for example.
There is a new function added to this list called “Locate”. The Locate function allows you to identify a specific text string based on the number of characters in a field.
Here’s an example...
Let’s say I have a campaign naming convention that is structured like this:
Locate is part of our group of text manipulation functions and methods. Locate lets you identify the position of characters and substrings within a text. An example is to find delimiters like '-' or '_' in a campaign name.
I can use the Locate function like this:
LOCATE (campaign name, "-", 16)
This will look for the location of - after the first 16 characters of campaign name.
Data Source updates
Facebook Ads - New fields added
TapClicks has added a few new fields to the Facebook Ads Data Source, making it easier for you to analyze and report on KPIs for your customers. The new data fields are described here:
Post Saves
Post Saves counts the number of times your ad was saved by people who want to revisit it at a later time. This metric lets you measure your saves and compare them to saves from other ads and campaigns. Post Saves includes all saves involving your ads while they're running on Facebook. People can save ads by choosing the Save option on the dropdown menu, or by tapping/clicking the Save button on an ad.
Full Name
In Facebook Ads, there are three fields for a lead record - “First Name”, “Last Name”, and “Full Name”. TapClicks had previously leveraged First and Last and then combined those fields to offer a “Full Name” field. Now, we’re making sure that we expose the native, combined field from Facebook Ads as well.
Facebook Insights - New field added called “Care”
Recently Facebook has added a new type of engagement with posts called “Care”. This is represented by an icon typically found at the bottom of a post. You can now view this type of engagement in TapClicks thanks to a new field.
Google Ad Manager - Upgraded API Version
We have moved the TapClicks connection to Google Ad Manager to the latest version, v201911, to ensure data flows as expected.
Google Ads & Clone Feeds - Add fields for Responsive Ads
A new Data View for the details for Responsive Displays Ads and their details due to multiple previews is now available in TapClicks. Previously, TapClicks did not make this Ad type available and now our clients can see and report against them.
HubSpot - New Fields added for Email Click Rates
You now have access to a new Data Field for HubSpot, which exposes “Click Rate” on the Top level data views. Previously, TapClicks did not make this KPI available on the parent level and now you will be able to see and report against this field.
Instagram Professional - New Field - Thumbnail at Media and Story Level
Previously, TapClicks users have stated that thumbnails were too big in our dashboards and report exports. This work improves this experience so your creatives will fit better in the reports and improve the way you convey your data story.
SEMRush - New Data View - Current Organic Search Keywords
SEMRush users now have access to a new Data View for Current Organic Search Keywords. Your clients will now be able to report on Current Organic Search Keywords to present what keywords are getting the most traffic. If you are using SEMRush and would like to leverage this data, please reach out to your CSM to get either or both data views enabled on your instance.
Roku - Fetch delay
TapClicks normally begins the daily fetch of data from your connected Data Sources at 6 AM Eastern time. However, Roku doesn’t update their data from the previous day until after that point. This created a daily discrepancy between the Roku data source and what gets displayed in TapClicks.
This update will allow our fetches to “wait” until later in the morning to start requesting data from Roku (Previously “dataXu”) Now we will begin fetching for Roku data at 10:30am EST to ensure we get in the most current data sets. Though this will add some time to getting your data, it will ensure you have the most up to date and accurate picture of Roku data in your instance. This will also save you the step of having to login and hit “update dashboard” later in the day. - New Data fields
The updates and improvements to the data source continue! If you are investigating the use of programmatic advertising platforms, consider since it works so well with TapClicks. Here are the latest improvements to this great advertising management solution:
The following fields are available at all data view levels:
- Total Retail Cost
- Client Total Retail Cost
- Total Visits
Zip+4 Conversion Metrics
This makes it easier to breakdown conversions by the Zip+4 details, enabling insight at a lower level of the dataset and providing more pinpoint accuracy as to where conversations are taking place geographically. The new fields at this data level are:
- Clickthrough Leads
- Clickthrough Other
- Clickthrough Sales
- Clickthrough Signups
- Clickthrough Totals
- Clickthrough Visits
- Viewthrough Leads
- Viewthrough Other
- Viewthrough Sales
- Viewthrough Signups
- Viewthrough Totals
- Viewthrough Visits
- Total Visits
- Weighted Actions
Snapchat Ads - Deprecated Data View
As Snapchat updated their API to breakout data sets in a more granular way, TapClicks deprecated two data views that are no longer supported by Snapchat Ads: Geo and Device. Users leveraging these two data views in the past will maintain historical data but no new data will populate in the future.
TapAPI - Custom client fields now available in TapAPI
By having these fields available, customers that need to be able to extract this information from TapClicks and expose it in other systems can do so. This grants users of tap more flexibility in what they carry on the Client record and allows their team to leverage that data in the future through the API as needed.
Smart Connector updates
See the two highlighted Smart Connector updates near the top of this article. In addition, the following update has been made for Smart Connector users:
File Size Data Limitation Note
Some users have edge cases where files are too large to be processed by the smart connector and the fetch runs for a really long time before returning an error message. This update now delivers a notification, informing you early in the setup process of the data volume limitations with what to do if they encounter this issue.
Orders & Workflow updates
Tie shared task to line item with earliest start date on Order
Some TapClicks users break their line items into Monthly Segments, i.e., Order runs Jan 1 - Mar 31 with 3 line items: Jan, Feb and March. In some cases, they use a shared tasks to support the maintaining of these line items, and the task is triggered based on the lowest line item number - Line Item #1 (Jan 1 - Jan 31) 7 days prior to start. If the line is delayed and moved to start on 3/1, the trigger associated with Line 1 should be moved to Line Item 2, which would now be the earliest occurring line item. This update automatically assigns the trigger to the earliest occurring line item, not the lowest line item number.
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